Hi, I am


People say I am the world’s most suspicious, but curious dog! And the dog mascot of BASE. 

I am the 1st dog-themed coin on BASE, inspired by the recent internet sensation – the adorable, puzzled Laborador meme we all can’t get enough of.

Hi, I am


People say I am the world’s most suspicious, but curious dog! And the dog mascot of BASE.

I am the 1st dog-themed coin on BASE, inspired by the recent internet sensation – the adorable, puzzled Laborador meme we all can’t get enough of.

Some say that I will be the #1 meme coin on BASE, I say, woof woof..!

I am an OG, unlike copycats!

Why do you need me? Because in this complex world, we all need a bit of humor to lighten things up. I'm here to navigate the maze of information with you, always curious, often confused, but ever eager to learn and share a laugh.


Why is $LABRA unique?

Imagine having me to voice all those head-scratching questions about the latest news, the twists and turns of politics, and the rollercoaster ride that is the crypto market.
I am your chance to explore, question, and chuckle at the bewildering wonders of our world. Whether it's trying to wrap your head around blockchain, deciphering political jargon, or just wondering about the mysteries of the universe, I'm your dog.

Watch your tails Inus and Flokis!

My family – The Inus and The Flokis and The Doges and The WifHats are getting old and not giving more opportunities anymore. While my family members might have their charms, none can match my unique blend of adorably puzzled expressions and an insatiable desire to understand the crypto world. So, watch your tails, because I am on a mission to become everyone’s fav dog.

Roadmap... Sorry, we don't wait for months to execute the plan, we do it right now!

LABRA Projects

LABRA Platform

LABRA Platform is a decentralized discussion forum designed to cater to the curious minds of the digital era. It provides a platform for users to pose questions on a wide range of topics, spanning from science and technology to culture and philosophy, and receive insightful answers from the community. 

BETA launched for first adopters

Check out the whitepaper here.


WOOFSWAP is transforming the way tax tokens are traded by introducing direct tax application on purchases. This groundbreaking method removes the necessity for swapbacks, making the trading experience more straightforward and reducing sell pressure on market charts.

Coming soon


LABRA NFTs will be innovating the digital art and collectibles space by infusing it with unique, labrador-themed non-fungible tokens. These tokens not only captivate collectors and dog enthusiasts alike but also introduce a novel way of appreciating and owning pet-inspired digital assets.

Coming soon



LABRA is backed by BASE Meme Incubator, disrupting the meme industry by creating meaningful, yet playful projects. 

LABRA’S purpose?
How am I going to be your face for your most curious, but confusing questions?
We are building a platform for curious minds to connect, ask and explore curious topics. You never know, we might be the next Quora, but for curiosity based chats. Check out our whitepaper and demo platform here.
Got something that’s been bugging you about crypto, politics, or maybe just why cats seem to ignore gravity? Labra’s on the case! Every question you’ve ever had, no matter how bizarre or hilarious, Labra is ready to take it to the community and social media to spark some truly unforgettable conversations.


$LABRA is born on BASE Blockchain


Check out our Buying Guide here.

Of course we are gonna compete with the Inus, Doges and the Flokis. Always DYOR.

Beware of scammers in this industry! We never ask you to send your coins to any address.. Never send your coins to any wallet or anyone who says they are gonna multiply your coins. Please please do not fall into any traps.

We know that many of us have missed a lot of opportunities in the past. The Doges, Inus and Flokis are getting old and old. But, that’s not the case anymore. We are creating new opportunities for the community with the next big thing – BASE Blockchain

My suspicions of the day !!!

Be a part of our curious community

Why stick with the pack when you can lead the pack with Labra?
Welcome to Labra, where every question opens a door to endless fun and exploration.